Decolonial education that combines modern psychology with ancestral wisdom.
Our classes and programmes cover a range of survival skills that help us learn how to look after ourselves in apocalyptic times. Knowledge is power and, coupled with practical tools and techniques, we can find new ways of tending to our needs and our nervous systems in order to breathe more easily and have more agency in all areas of our lives.
Liberated Minds Library
COMING SOON! We are producing a selection of accessibly priced classes for practitioners, trainees and anyone with an interest in mental health and wellbeing. Topics include intergenerational trauma, embodiment, sexual wellbeing, communication etc.
Our Programmes
For those looking to do a deeper dive into liberation-centred healing work we offer a selection of therapist-led programmes with weekly lessons, live Q&A’s and a private group to share support and meet others who are doing similar work.
From Trauma To Intuition
Starting February 2025
Intuition is a birthright that has been stripped from us by racism and oppression causing our bodies and minds to be in a permanent state of fight or flight. Oppression keeps us disorientated and disconnected from our inner voice, so that we are less likely to resist and more susceptible to narratives that undermine our power and worth. Our ancestors used intuition as an everyday medicine to thrive and find their way back to the truth through harsh climates, famines, wars and community unrest, forced migration and enslavement. Everyone is intuitive, but for those living with trauma it can be hard to know the difference between what’s true and what isn’t. This programme offers a community of practise and a framework to reclaim intuition for more powerful, aligned and authentic decision-making.
Building Radical Relationships
Starting June 2025
For racialised and mixed couples, being in a loving relationship is a radical act of resistance that also brings its challenges due to the complexity of relating at the margins. Many of us weren’t taught the skills for healthy relating at school and didn’t grow up with examples of this at home. Whether you’re looking to set healthy boundaries, rebuild trust, improve communication, rediscover intimacy or hold each other’s differences with more care, this programme provides a framework to do this work with gentleness, compassion and trauma-awareness. This programme is open to couples and constellations of all genders, sexualities and relationship styles.
Healing Intergenerational and Ancestral Trauma (HIAT)
Starting October 2025
Intergenerational trauma affects the very core of who we are, including our body systems and our mental health, our ability to relate to others and our capacity to feel worthy of good things. Left unattended, intergenerational trauma affects our ability to parent (both ourselves and our children) and perpetuates harm down the family line and across the communities we inhabit. While undoing these patterns and creating new, generative ones, is the work of a lifetime, this programme offers a holistic, structured and trauma-aware pathway to discover new healing possibilities.